The program VS generates a list of video modes supported by your VESA bios. (Other than to tell you that you don't have a VESA bios, it will not do anything for you if you don't have a VESA-aware video system.) It may also indicate support for the lower, non-SVGA video modes (as well as non-VESA SVGA modes). However, this is not standard from one VESA bios to the next. Hence, you should not conclude that you don't have support for these lower modes just because VS doesn't confirm support for them. Simply run VS from the DOS command line (there aren't any command line arguments) and it will generate the file MODES.LST. (IF you're on the same disk that VS resides on, this output file will be in your current directory. Otherwise, it will be in the root directory of where VS.EXE is.) If you have a VESA system, in addition to telling you that, VS will print your VESA version number to the screen and then ask you whether or not you want to confirm mode support graphically. This is done by drawing a box bounding your screen. If you can't see the box for each mode being tested, you may not have support for that mode, in spite of the fact that your VESA bios reports support for it. (I usually run VS twice-- once with no graphical mode confirmation and then using graphical mode confirmation, after renaming the first MODES.LST so it doesn't get overwritten. Then I compare the two resulting files.) The first column of numbers gives the hexadecimal bios mode numbers supported by your video board. (Whether or not your monitor can operate in these modes is a separate issue. This may be indicated by the "type of support" in column six, but I'm not really sure.) The second column gives the type of mode, text or graphics ("grfx"). The third column gives the maximum supported resolution and number of colors. (Resolution is in characters for text modes and pixels for graphics modes.) The fourth column gives the number of bit planes per pixel, the fifth column gives the number of pages supported, and the sixth column gives the type of support, hardware, software (bios), or both. (It's entirely possible for you to have hardware that supports any given video mode but yet that mode is not necessarily supported by your bios.) This functionality is built into VS (and VS1) just in case your bios supports it. If the number of pages is listed as zero, don't panic. This is most likely (definitely?) just an indication that your particular VESA bios doesn't report this information. The opposite side of the coin is that you can't necessarily trust this information even if it's non- zero. I have, in fact, yet to find a VESA system that reliably supports this function. It is included merely because a reference indicates that this aspect of the VESA bios should be functional. Even if you do choose to confirm mode support graphically, there are two situations in which video modes will be listed in MODES.LST that have not been so tested. These are if your VESA bios does not report any extended information for the particular mode or the particular mode is not listed as supported by *both* hardware and bios. (In these situations, VS just lists the mode as supported because your VESA bios listed it as such. These untested modes will be fairly obvious. Either the number of bit planes and pages will be zero, along with the resolution not being given, or else the type of support in column five will be something other than "hardware/bios.") Note that, as long as you don't want to confirm mode support graphically, VS does not actually attempt to make ANY change to the video mode your monitor or video board is in. Hence, if you're worried about possible damage to your monitor due to attempting to put it in a mode that it can't deal with, you should use the no-confirmation mode. (I have never actually seen a monitor damaged in this way, and I've tested VS out on a great many monitors, attempting to put them in a great many modes which they obviously didn't support. However, this is no guarantee and I must insist that you use VS at YOUR OWN RISK.) The program VS1 is used to analyze a specific video mode. The DOS command line syntax is VS1 hex-mode (If you run VS1 without any arguments, it will tell you this.) VS1 prints out a little more information about the mode than that specified in MODES.LST. (This is still only a subset of the information that's generally available. Also, like VS, VS1 can only do this if extended information is available. If it isn't, VS1 will tell you.) One output of VS1 is a pointer to where the list of supported screen modes MAY be stored in your computer's memory. (VS1 does not print this information out if this memory location lies in the lower 640K; such locations are, of course, volatile. Also, I say "MAY" because there's no strong guarantee that the memory above 640K isn't volatile. Some of it certainly is!) This is where VS gets its list of modes from. This data is only output by VS1 in case you're a DEBUG user (or user of some similar program) and you want to do your own exploring. And of course, like VS, VS1 is of no use to you if don't have VESA hardware other than to tell you that you don't.